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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Most Embarrasing Tales!!!

Tania Roux: Left a wedding (drunk) and called the groom Wayne instead of Nick. Good friends of ours too. True story!
Michelle Mollett: "When are you due?" And she's not.
Padmini Bhikha: When I asked my grey haired gynae if the kids in the photos in his office were his grandchildren and he replied " Those are my kids, I am still young enough to produce not only to deliver"
Ayanda Khumalo: ?"Shut UP" I said that to my mother-in-law when she was scolding my son for breaking a window...I mean yes she had to do it but it was too much for me to take it.
Antoinette Marais: I phoned a company to speak to their manager. The lady said unfortunately he is late. I asked her what time will he be at the office? She said he is LATE, he passed away. I felt so embarrassed!
Tesh Pillay: when my daughter was too young to understand what sanitary pad was I told her it was mommy’s diaper, only to find it all over the living room floor and finding her telling my father in law that these are mommy’s diapers I was soooo embarrassed
Tanja Gerber Weber: As a young beauty therapy student, the lecturer was demonstrating "extractions", (beautician speak for squeezing your pimples) and i piped up from the back "clear the building, we're gonna pop this sucker". The shocked silence was deafening.
Refiloe Bahumi: Said to a mother of a girl in my class. Congratulations! (For pregnancy) she wasn't pregnant. I started laughing and apologising at the same time out of embarrassment. Luckily she laughed with me!
Nina Same: It was earth hour so my housemates and I played truth or dare. I don't know how but I confessed to urinating in the shower, they were mortified, was so embarrassed. They made me use dettol on the shower floor after showering for weeks!
And the winner is…
Thando Kubheka: I said "Ayoba" right after praying for dinner instead of saying "Amen" and my mom gave me the strangest look ever.

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